


Online Internship Opportunity at JuristAlly: Apply Now

- By Team L.A.S



JuristAllyTM is an online networking and social media platform for legal professionals meetups, where legal professionals from different regions and countries can meet on this platform. Users around the world can find legal professionals on there finger tip for free or nominal charge services.



JuristAllyTM started accidentally in the year of 2019 by the Founder “Akashdeep” and Co Founder “Fawjan Khan” but officially launched on 5th July, 2020.

 We have been working in the corporate industry for a pretty long time but before that we were not holding any identity, so we thought to build our identity through forming an IT company. We acted as the technology and marketing expert, but now we are trying to provide a better and unique solution for the market.

We have been associated with big brands on both national and international platforms. We never believe in competition but we believe in

“The weapons of a true light warrior are compassion & patience to wait for others, to leave what we have learned”.

Vision of JuristAlly

Create economic opportunity and bring legal fraternity from all around the world under one roof.

Mission of JuristAlly

Solve legal matrices to provide the best connecting platform for the legal fraternity to decode future benefit.

Juristally requires a few interns to work on a project pertaining to development of an application for the law community.


Law students pursuing studies in, 1st  to 5th year of 5-year law degree course, at any recognized College/Law School/University.


2 months

Mode of internship


Internship Requirements

1.Research work

2.Article writing


About the Role

Juristally is seeking  highly-motivated and enterprising interns to join the juristally Legal Team. You will assist in data collection, drafting and research work. someone who can think out of the box and provide assistance to the core team of the company. There is a lot of learning as the company is in its early stages.


At the end of the internship, the intern shall be entitled to an internship certificate and performance based assessment will be done for any monetary honorarium.


For interning with juristally, share your CVs through our Application or send your CVs at manish@juristally.com.

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Contact Us


P-16 Gopal Nagar,
Shipra Path Mansarovar Jaipur,
302020 (Rajasthan)


9413517073 , 8529557672

